Enhancing Library Spaces with Integrated Event and Room Management

Apollo’s “Events & Rooms” Management system streamlines the coordination of library events and room bookings, offering a user-friendly interface with features like separate tabs for events and rooms, automated fee management, and customizable terms. The system also integrates seamlessly with library calendars, allowing both staff and patrons to view availability, book spaces, and receive automated reminders. With the addition of bulk upload capabilities and support for recurring bookings, managing library spaces has never been more efficient.

*If you are a current customer, log into your Dashboard and navigate to Reference | Events & Rooms to start your 120 day trial


Event Creation with Room Booking
Now, when creating an event, you can simultaneously book a room. This streamlines the process and ensures everything is coordinated.
Separate Tabs for Events and for Rooms
To improve visibility, we’ve introduced separate tabs for events and rooms. This change makes it easier to manage both, especially when you have numerous events listed.
Terms and Registration Forms
You can now upload terms and registration forms for both rooms and events. Applicants must agree to these terms, and their agreement will be saved to their patron account. This feature can be configured directly from your Apollo dashboard.
Recurring Events and Room Bookings
When creating a room booking or event, you can opt for it to be recurring. Note that this feature requires the calendar view to be used.
Calendar Integration with the Staff Dashboard
Staff members can use the calendar view to book rooms or events in ‘day’ or ‘week’ view. This view also allows events and bookings to be edited, dragged, and resized. The calendar view is a must have for booking recurring events and bookings.
Calendar in patron My Account
Patrons can now see a calendar of events and check room availability directly in their account.
Calendar for Your Website
A live feed is available to integrate the Events & Rooms calendar directly into your website. You can also access this feature from your Apollo dashboard.
Wait-List Feature
A wait-list feature is now available for events, allowing patrons to join a queue if an event is fully booked.
Fees for Events and Room Boookings
When creating a new event or booking a room, you can set a fee. For room bookings, the fee is set per 15 minutes. Once a booking or event sign-up is confirmed, the fee will be posted to the patron’s Apollo account as a problem with an associated type. Staff can process payments through Checkout, or patrons can pay directly from their My Account if enabled.
Bulk Event Uploads
You can now upload a spreadsheet to create multiple events simultaneously, with associated rooms booked in the same file.
Automatic Reminder Notifications
Registrants cam receive pre-event reminders two days before the event, similar to other auto-notices like overdue or pre-due notices.
Separate Room Hours
You can now set separate operating hours for rooms, different from the library’s standard hours.

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"You have got to be the most helpful company we have ever dealt with."

Marcia Johnson, Director
Miami Public Library

“I commend Biblionix for its early move to delivering all transactions for its Apollo ILS via pages encrypted with HTTPS.”

Marshall Breeding
Smart Libraries Newsletter
January 2015

"Apollo is a beautifully simple system that packs a powerful punch under the hood."

Michelle Mears, Director
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
St. Joseph, Missouri

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Yes, prior to any commitment, we offer a free trial of Apollo. But it’s not just any kind of trial.  We do a mock migration.  So you can see, and work with, your data in Apollo before any decision.  Guesswork is virtually eliminated. Learn more »


Maximize patron engagement:

– Empower patrons and staff alike.
Gabbie®, 2-way texting
– Reserve Express®
– History retention options
– E-title integration
– Syndetics Unbound Readers Advisory

Support, as it should be:

Provided by former library employees. They are paid and driven to help you, not to meet corporate metrics. With service that is second to none, it’s no surprise that we’ve been awarded over several years as a top ILS for public libraries. Learn more »

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For more information about how Biblionix processes your personal data, please view our privacy statement.

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