Auto-Calling Setup Fees are Eliminated

by | May 21, 2018 | Past News

Apollo™ ILS Automated Overdue and Reserve Calling Option is Even More Affordable

Biblionix today announced that setup fees have been eliminated for its “Auto-Calling”, automated call placement option for its Apollo Automation service. When selected by patrons, Auto-Calling places overdue and reserve calls without any dedicated action by library staff.

Apollo’s hosted-only approach makes this available to every Apollo customer immediately. No equipment is required and the library’s phone system is totally unaffected. Calls are placed showing the caller ID as the library’s phone number. Auto-Calling helps small- and medium-sized public libraries inexpensively avoid these monotonous and tedious calls.

Coupled with Apollo’s text and email notifications, the addition of Auto-Calling, satisfies the the library’s task of delivering quick notifications. Auto-Calling can be enabled for use immediately. It’s just a click for Biblionix staff to enable it. The 10-cent per call fee is still in place (texts and emails are free). A public library with 100,000 annual circulations will typically see annual Auto-Calling costs of less than $100. It’s an enormous productivity tool.




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