News & Articles

19 New Apollo customers – March, April, May

19 New Apollo customers – March, April, May

Please welcome these 19 new customers to the Apollo family. They switched to Apollo in March, April, or May of 2015. Decorah Public Library - Decorah, Iowa Gilford Public Library - Gilford, New Hampshire Lost Nation Public Library - Lost Nation, Iowa Westgate Public...

Apollo Receives Highest Ranking for 6th Year Running

Apollo Receives Highest Ranking for 6th Year Running

Marshall Breeding's annual "Perceptions" survey is an international survey of library automation customers. For the SIXTH straight year, Apollo received top rankings in ALL categories. "Apollo continues its superlative performance..." "This product has received...

Biblionix  Tops  2  Separate  LibraryWorks  Rankings

Biblionix Tops 2 Separate LibraryWorks Rankings

Our Apollo integrated library system (ILS) has topped 2 separate rankings by LibraryWorks, Inc. For the Modern Library Awards (, Apollo received the highest rating: Platinum. LibraryWorks created these MLA awards to recognize the...

Join us at the 2015 ALA Annual Conference

Join us at the 2015 ALA Annual Conference

Visit us at booth 2120 during this year's ALA Annual Conference. This annual conference features programs, updates, conversations, and other events covering key issues such as innovation and transformation, ebook lending and usability, digital content, community...

Automated Submission of MARC Updates to State Catalog of Iowa

Automated Submission of MARC Updates to State Catalog of Iowa

Biblionix announced that its Apollo system has an automatic update capability for SILO (State of Iowa Libraries Online), the State of Iowa union library catalog. Apollo can now automatically update SILO for all of its 100 Iowa public library customers as well as new...

Apollo Meets Ontario Accessibility Guidelines

Apollo Meets Ontario Accessibility Guidelines

Biblionix announced compliance with the Access for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA): the Apollo Automation System’s on-line public catalog (OPAC) meets the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A. "Biblionix leads the field in responding to the...

New Responsive Public Catalog for Apollo Automation™

New Responsive Public Catalog for Apollo Automation™

Integrated library system energized with revamped, streamlined public catalog. Austin, Texas – November 18, 2014 Biblionix, which provides automation for public libraries, today announced a totally redesigned public catalog for its Apollo integrated library system...

Automatic MARC update for New Hampshire libraries

Apollo ILS updates NHU-PAC with no staff action required Austin, Texas – October 28, 2014 Biblionix today announced that its Apollo ILS will automatically update the NHU-PAC state catalog for all of its New Hampshire customers. These updates include MARC files for new...

Apollo Receives Highest Ranking

Apollo Receives Highest Ranking

For the fifth straight year, Apollo received the highest ranking from Marshall Breeding's annual Perceptions survey. This international Library Automation Perceptions Report provides evaluative ratings submitted by individuals representing over three thousand...


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