Automatic MARC update for New Hampshire libraries

by | Oct 28, 2014 | Past News

Apollo ILS updates NHU-PAC with no staff action required

Austin, Texas – October 28, 2014
Biblionix today announced that its Apollo ILS will automatically update the NHU-PAC state catalog for all of its New Hampshire customers. These updates include MARC files for new items as well as the removal of deletions. There is no extra charge.

“You guys are awesome”, said Lynn Piotrowicz, director of the Tucker Free Library in Henniker, New Hampshire. “This is one of the many reasons why I wholeheartedly rate you with 10s on Marshall Breeding’s annual ILS customer survey.”

Every New Hampshire customer of Apollo will now avoid the tedium of exporting MARC and performing individual NHU-PAC deletions. Plus, they can limit what materials are sent to NHU-PAC. This is done by material type for those types that the library does not offer for Interlibrary Loan. Also, staff can delay new items from being uploaded for any number of days, so that their own patrons get the first chance at enjoying them.




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